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The Cable Guy

The Cable Guy

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No score yet
  • very poor
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  • Age: 1996 Region:U.S. Type:Comedy
  • Status: Closed  / 02-21
  • lead:Jim CarreyMatthew BroderickLeslie Mann
  • director:Ben Stiller
  • desc:Steven Kovak has been kicked out of his apartment by his girlfriend. Steven has a new apartment, and 
0 people score
  • very poor
  • inferior
  • not bad
  • recommend
  • highly recommended





rotten film

Plot introduction

Steven Kovak has been kicked out of his apartment by his girlfriend. Steven has a new apartment, and decides to slip the cable guy (Chip) $50 for free cable. Steven then fakes an interest in Chip's line of work. However Chip takes this to heart tryin   expand all

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