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Fast X

Fast X

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No score yet
  • very poor
  • inferior
  • not bad
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  • highly recommended
  • Age: 2023 Region:U.S. Type:Action
  • Status: Closed  / 02-27
  • lead:Vin DieselMichelle RodriguezJason Statham
  • director:Louis LeterrierJustin Lin
  • desc:The end of the road begins. Fast X, the tenth film in the Fast and Furious Saga, launches the final 
0 people score
  • very poor
  • inferior
  • not bad
  • recommend
  • highly recommended





rotten film

Plot introduction

The end of the road begins. Fast X, the tenth film in the Fast and Furious Saga, launches the final chapters of one of cinema's most storied and popular global franchises, now in its third decade and still going strong with the same core cast and characters as when it began.   expand all

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